Events & Seminars
AMP Estimating for Media Agencies — Solution Story
Date: May 20, 2020
Start Time: 1pm ET
End Time: 2pm ET
Location: Zoom – Webinar
Audience: Public – Prospect Facing
Related Industries: AMP, Software, Services
Original Invite:
Are you a Marketing Agency struggling to effectively create and manage estimates in NetSuite tied to the project and its changes? Are you an Account Executive looking to sell an effective estimate management solution within NetSuite for a creative agency? Please join us for a webinar to learn about how appficiency is supporting Agency Estimate Management in NetSuite for industry-standard Agency models! We would like to extend you an invitation to attend appficiency’s Estimating for Marketing Agencies in NetSuite Webinar.
This exclusive webinar focused on how appficiency is supporting Agency Estimate Management in NetSuite for industry-standard Agency models. Specifically curated for marketing agencies that struggle to effectively create and manage estimates in NetSuite projects, as well as further delving into topics related to selling effective estimate management solutions within NetSuite for creative agencies.
Topics of Discussion:
- Estimate to Project Sync
- Managing Estimates
- Devang Desai
We lost the video recording due to zoom webinar settings.